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i-Gemm infant car seat


Based on 14 reviews


The Joie i-Gemm (NOT the same seat as the Joie Gemm) is one of the top rated infant seats by independent crash testers, rating “very good” on multiple test categories. It also did not have a single “inadequate” rating, which is exceedingly rare #CarseatFullstop rating – 4.5/5 The i-Gemm is a rearward facing infant car seat. The seat should be used until your baby is either 13kg or 85cm and uses a 5-point harness. It can be very safely installed with the seatbelt alone, but you can buy the ISOfix base separately. The seat has good padding, including extra padding for use with newborns. It is well designed for a growing baby, spacious and the headrest and harness can be adjusted as baby grows, without rethreading. Crash testing explained by #CarseatFullstop here (link). Safety Ratings: Passed basic safety standard: i-Size (R129) External testing: ADAC +1.5 with seatbelt (Very Good); +1.7 with base (Good) Which? Best Buy 78% (with seatbelt); Best Buy 77% (with base) We do not recommend using any car seat other than an infant car seat for a baby under 13kgs or 75cm. An infant seat is specifically designed to protect your developing baby.

Age Groups:
0-3 Months
3-6 Months
6-9 Months
9-12 Months
2-3 years

This carrier came with the Joie Litetrax 4 travel system. Overall I have been very happy with the car seat, it is sturdy, easy to carry and thanks to the grey colour, the messes are mostly hidden! One thing that made a big difference was buying the isofix base which allows you to simply click the carrier into your car without having to secure with seat belts etc.

Posted 4 years ago

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This is such a great car seat! We purchased ours from Baby City along with the iso fix base for easy access in and out of the car whilst keeping baby safe during travel and helping me get baby in and out of the car quickly whilst out shopping. The inside of the car seat in nicely cushioned and the straps that secure baby are easy to adjust once the baby is in the car seat! Honestly the Best Buy!

Posted 4 years ago

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