I own this one and have fed my son with it for 15 months. It is really convenient to have a pump that plugs in and is able to use batteries when needed. It had plenty of suction for me but it can become quite expensive if you use the battery option too much. It also doesn't last for more than 5 pump sessions on batteries so best to save them for when loadshedding hits (oh my word, it saved me during those times!). I would definitely go for a double pump next time to save time and options with rechargeable batteries would also be preferred.
Posted 3 years ago
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I struggled with lactation and got this, I was able to pump milk and wasn't painful. Very easy to use
Posted 3 years ago
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Fairly quiet electric breast pump that is easy to clean. I love that you can plug it into the wall as well as use batteries and be completely mobile. It offers great suction without any pain or discomfort.
Posted 3 years ago
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I have used the Medela double electric Maxi Swing for the past year of pumping while at work, it has been a great investment! Down side, I had to use a manual pump at times to vary my output & you definitely need a Medela pumping bra or holding the pumps in place constantly can become tiresome and time wasteful.
Posted 4 years ago
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Highly recommended. I bought a manual breast pump and gosh does that take ages.
For on the go/working moms this is a handy tool. I have come to learn that time is precious with a newborn specially for first time moms.
This is also recommended for evening use low noise levels.
Posted 4 years ago
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