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Urban Glide


Based on 7 reviews


Thule Urban Glide is an all-round sports stroller with a sleek and lightweight design making it perfect for an urban mobility or jogging on your favourite path. Can be used from birth with Thule Bassinet or infant car seat adapter (sold separately).

Age Groups:
0-3 Months
3-6 Months
6-9 Months
9-12 Months
2-3 years

As a running mom this pram is the ultimate must have if you can afford one. I took one of these for a spin over a weekend earlier this year and found it easy to maneuver on tar road and off-road and with the appropriate add-ons/adaptions you are able to comfortably accommodate toddler and/or infant. Only down side is the price, perhaps second hand is an option. Also bulky and takes up boot space but easy to set up and use straight from the car.

Posted 4 years ago

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This pram is fantastic for use on the terrible potholed roads of South Africa! We use ours for our morning walks. We have the bassinet and car seat adapter. The bassinet is great for baby to sleep in while walking without the worry of him sleeping sitting up. The pram is quite big and bulky so not ideal for quick trips to town, but great for all day outings!

Posted 4 years ago

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